Friday, February 27, 2009

Why do you climb?

Okay, stick with me here... I'ma get abstract for a sec. lol...

In the movie "Chariots of Fire" Eric Liddell says:

"I want you to do more than just watch a race.
I want you to take part in it.
I want to compare faith to running in a race.
It's hard.
It requires concentration of will...
energy of soul.
I believe God made me for a purpose...
[God] made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure..."

This sentiment is what my climbing is about.
Climbing, for me is a form of physicality that prayer and meditation take. Climbing at its worst is self-centered loathing and arrogance; climbing at its finest is shared, fun competition, healthy shanagans, psyKed road trips, and the realization of possibility.

If prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening. A hypothetical "conversation" with God can be found thru life pursuits that involve both active prayer and active meditation. Climbing I guess is an abstract conversation of sorts, for me...a lifelong one.
Just one more minute...

I want to compare faith to a rock climb. It's hard.

Like prayer,

the balance, strength, tenacity, forgiveness of pain, surrender of anxiety, humble confidence, and unforgettable experiences as a result of climbing are a testament and vehicle for the magnificence of God's creation.

[click to enlarge]


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