Me in Washington, DC
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Clinicals for fall semester ended today!

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Our New Home
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A New Year
This is an exciting time in my life...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
This passage spoke to my heart and this time in my life
Today I choose to heal.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Spring 2010 Sunday Chapel Service @ Howard University!
The Rev. Dr. William D. WatleySenior Pastor, St. James A.M.E. ChurchNewark, New Jersey
January 17
The Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.Pastor Emeritus, Trinity United Church Of ChristChicago, Illinois
January 24
The Rev. Dr. Michael Louis PflegerPastor, Faith Community of Saint SabinaChicago, Illinois
January 31
Bishop John R. BryantPresiding Prelate, Fourth Episcopal District of the A.M.E. ChurchChicago, Illinois
February 7
(To Be Announced)
February 14
Dr. John W. KinneyDean, School of Theology, Virginia Union UniversityRichmond, Virginia
February 21
Dr. Anthony CampoloProfessor Emeritus of Sociology, Eastern UniversitySt. David’s, Pennsylvania
February 28
The Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III Pastor, The Abyssinian Baptist Church; President, The University of New York College at Old WestburyNew York, New York
March 7
Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenziePresiding Prelate, Thirteenth Episcopal District of the A.M.E. ChurchNashville, Tennessee
March 14
(Spring Break)
March 21
The Rev. Dr. Cynthia HaleSenior Pastor, Ray of Hope Christian ChurchDecatur, Georgia
March 28
Palm SundayThe Rev. Dr. Renita J. WeemsScholar/Author and Senior Pastor, Ray of Hope Community ChurchNashville, Tennessee
April 4
Easter SundayThe Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr.Pastor Emeritus, Olivet Institutional Baptist ChurchCleveland, Ohio7:00 A.M. Sunrise ServiceDean of the Chapel
April 11
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co.New York, New York
April 18
The Rev. Otis B. Moss, IIIPastor, Trinity United Church of ChristChicago, Illinois
April 25
Dr. Cornel WestProfessor of Religion, Princeton UniversityPrinceton, New Jersey
May 2
Dean of the Chapel
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Squamish B.C. ehh !
note: click any pic to enLARGE
The highways in Canada are in kilometers (i.e. 80 km/h = approx. 50 mph)
...I was NOT driving when I took this picture. lol
The rock in Squamish is high quality granite, which, although high in friction holds few good holds! Very challenging yet fun too! : )
All my organized climbing gear laid out the day before my biggest rock climb to DATE: The Ultimate Everything-A meandering "hike" up a 23 pitch big wall in 7 hours, 6minutes I did with my friend Dom; a treasured memory for the vault.
and finally... my attempt to slackline over @ Lake Murrin! SOOO much fun : )
Monday, June 15, 2009
A Milestone Trip for the Family!
On Wednesday, June 3rd I made my way to San Francisco via Seatac airport to do a "cousins-only" roadtrip with my sister Ana, Ray, and Maya (our recent High School Graduate in the family)!
Ana and I then made our way downtown on the "BART" to our cousins Ray and Maya who had flown out from Connecticut earlier (SNAPS y'all!). We stayed in the Cathedral Hill Hotel (http://www.cathedralhillhotel.com/) for two nights.
-checking out China Town
After Yosemite, Ana, Maya, Ray, and I drove on Sunday, June 7th down the coast thru Big Sur to Ana's pad in Long Beach California. This drive marked a PERSONAL RECORD for me: 12 hours straight... it was rough y'all, but we made it- we soulJAH'S!!
To culminate a beautiful trip, Monday, June 8th we went to the movies and Ana's roommate Lisa (who is a manager @ Disneyland) surprised us with free tickets to Disneyland! It was my first time there !! It was a 26 year-old kid's dream-come-true! lol. Thanks Lisa!
Ray of Hope for Free Healthcare in DC!
As we all know all too personally, America’s health care system is in crisis. Millions of people lack insurance and access to vital care. But soon, medical students at Howard University will be doing their part to support those in need.
The New Freedmen’s Clinic – created and operated entirely by medical students – will open its doors to the city's under served community on June 18.
Dr. Charles Mouton is the group’s mentor, and soon-to-be chief attending physician in the weekly clinic. Mouton is professor and chair of the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Howard. He’ll oversee patient treatment plans and sign prescriptions.
“Anytime you have young folks that are full-time students and asking them to design, plan, populate a brand new undertaking like a clinic is huge,” he said.
Let's keep hope y'all. Pray for my involvement in this important project for next school year.
For further info about what's happening with that check it:
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The COST of being a climber.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Finals are DONE! SUMMER 2009 !!!
I'll be starting my clinical rotations in the fall in Howard University's Nursing Program here in DC.
I thank God first and foremost, my family, and my friends (y'all know who you are!).
The support, prayers, cards, phone calls, and just positive thoughts my way have been much appreciated (and definitely felt).
This semester was stressful for me, but now it's time to:
WORK steady shifts @ the hospital as a CNA (to $ave/gain clinical experience)
begin my TRAVEL plans for out west! (Oly June-August 14th, LA Roadtrip w/ Ana June 4th-9th)
...oh yeah, and
try to CLIMB up things! lol
Saturday, March 21, 2009
SMITH rocks!

I just wrapped up a 5 day rock climbing trip to Smith Rocks State Park in Oregon along with my friends Scott, Dom, Laura, Jimmy, and Jeremy. It was such a blast pulling hard, scouting out some new areas and lines, eating well, and just laughing and conversating all together.
I arrived 10am Friday, March 13th at Portland Int'l Airport and impatiently waited SIX HOURS for Scott to arrive (he had a full work day)...we quickly got on our way, grabbing some grub @ Taco Del Mar before speeding to Redmond, where we found a sweet weekly special rate @ Motel 6 (w/ ALL the amenities: Internet, Cable TV, two Queen sized beds, Hot tub)... I felt a li'l guilty because the other guys coming were camping out in the cold, but they were cool about it- deciding to preserve our friendships and just call us 'wimps." The weather forcast called for 90% precipitation with temps in the 40's F, but feeling like the low 30's F... ...fortunately, for everyone's sake, the weatherpeople were high on crack because the next day arrived with sunny, T-shirt weather and an early start by our standards (8am)...we convened @ the parking lot with Dom, Laura, Jimmy, and Jeremy. It was really good to see everyone...although I wish Micah and Jared could've come too. We enjoyed 1 and half days climbing together, before Dom, Laura, Jimmy, and Jeremy headed back home; then Scott and I stayed and climbed til Wednesday.
Top Highlights for the trip:
Jimmy's Onsight of Five Easy Pieces, 5.12a as a WARMUP!
Scott's flash of his hardest TR @ Smith Honey Pot, 5.10a
My flash of my hardest trad lead Wartley's Revenge, 5.11b
Exploring a new area @ Smith- North Point (Thanks Tegan)
Starting my new Smith project Aggro Monkey, 5.13b
Climbing the 2 pitch trad classic Spiderman, 5.7 with Scott

My high point (L) on Aggro Monkey 1st day on it.
Note: the 1st two clips were unclipped to reduce rope drag after subsequent clips were made

Dom getting stOked. 1st day, 1st route of trip!

Scott sending Phonecall from Satan, 5.9

The immaculate Spiderman buttress...really good! The best moderate multipitch I've done.
( s-l-0-w) footage of my 3rd go redpoint of 5 Easy Pieces, 5.12a...again PROPS to Jimmy for the Onsight as well as Dom for flashing it a year ago.
GOD bless y'all,
Friday, February 27, 2009
Why do you climb?
In the movie "Chariots of Fire" Eric Liddell says:
It requires concentration of will...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Training continues...

Grandma hooked me up with an Iron Gym™!
My new inspiration: http://novebi.ning.com/video/campus-boarding
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Inauguration of our 44th President!

President Obama, First Lady Michelle, Malia, & Sasha
Well, first off, I consider myself extremely lucky to have been part of the less than 1% of American citizens who witnessed, first-hand, a HISTORY-MAKING MOMENT: the Inauguration of President Obama, our nation's FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT! A proud day for us all. Here are a couple photos from my day out alongside two million fellow citizens (a record attendance) ...
[click on any picture to enLARGE]

A photo I snagged the Wednesday prior to Inauguration, during final preparations @ the U.S. Capitol (How nice would it've been to have had a seat HERE for President Obama's speech!)

"SuperObama!"...one of many fan-favorites

My cousins Maya & Raynel

Have YOU ever stood alongside two million people?
It's mind-bending! What was particularly (lol, dare I say) trippy was that everyone was really well-mannered; there was NO yelling, fights, ransacking, or rioting (Metro Police & city officials reported similarly)... It was powerful during the Inaugural prayer service having that many people pray together too. "Yes we CAN!"

Uncle Charles, Raynel, & Maya marching on!

A photo mosaic of my view @ the Inauguration; an experience-of-a-lifetime...one I'll never forget.
I've been reminiscing on the significance of this occassion for my people of the past (who are no longer with us physically), and I am looking forward to sharing stories of this moment with future generations; in the words of President Obama, "for our childrens's children."
God bless you Mr. President ,
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Climbing Tick List for 2009
(Notice: this list is bound to be added to! I'll be ecstatic if I get half of this order done!)
@ Smith
Pioneer Route 5.7 A0
Spider Man 5.7
Blue Light Special 5.11a
Magic Light Extension 5.12b
Vision 5.12b
Latest Rage 5.12b
Full Heinous Cling 5.12c
Go Dog Go 5.12c
The Quickening 5.12d
Churning in the Wake 5.13a
Aggro Monkey 5.13b
@ Exit 38
Mr. Big 5.12a
Stihl Fingers 5.12a
@ Exit 32
Bust a Rythym 5.12c
Propaganda 5.12c/d
Californicator 5.12d
Californication 5.13a
Chronic 5.13b
@ Squamish
... something up at the Big Show @ Cheakamus Canyon
Boulder Problems:
@ Yosemite
...anything! ... as many moderates as I can get my hands on!
Midnight Lightning v8
The Force v9
Thriller v10
@ Leavenworth
The Fridge Left v8
Millenium Traverse v8
WAS v8
Kobe Ty v8?
Dirty Dude v10
...I'll look for what else is possible for me
@ Goldbar (getting here in '09 will be weather/circumstance-dependant)
Obesity v7
Lighten Up v9
The Rubix Cube v9
Ross Bongo v9
Ebriosity v11
... I want to do more exploring here too
@ Squamish
Gull Skull v6
Lounge Act v6
Immunity Challenge v7 (props to Dom for his inspiring send of this line!)
ATD v7
Mantra v8
Worm World Cave v9
The Backseat v10
...wheeew, makes me tired just thinking about all these climbs! We'll see how feasible this all is (I also have to make $2-3000 for school ) lol. Have a beautiful, inspired 2009 y'all.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Washington (State)
With my first week of course work for spring done and a 8hr shift @ the hospital tommorrow, vacation's officially OVER. I had a wonderful, refreshing, surprising, and warm holiday in Olympia, WA with my Mom, Corey, my brothers Cheyne and Oni, as well as their cat Skittle!

(Skittle isn't in this family portrait; he's hiding somewhere scared...this photo was taken on New Year's Eve, which also was Cheyne's 15th Birthday!)
I was surprised by the amount of snow there in Washington... approximately 2 feet! Probably the second most that I've EVER seen in Washington. My brothers and I had fun trekking around, sledding, having a snow ball fight and building an Igloo, which, I'm sure I speak for my brothers, was the coolest thing I've ever helped build and I'm proud of it!
I also enjoyed long walks with my Mom and good conversation with Corey during our car travels
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Warehouse Rock Gym Session
Saturday, December 13, 2008
(Brief) History of Howard University
The land that now occupies Howard University was an Indian reservation prior to the start of the Civil War. Washington, DC was dubbed the “capitol of the freedman,” by the end of the Civil War, because there were several primary and secondary schools available to blacks; thus the area was an ideal location for black higher education.
Freedman’s Hospital opens (in building that’s now Howard University’s Nursing & Allied Health Sciences Department Building); predecessor to Howard University Hospital
January 1865
US Congress passes the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery
January 1867
The Freedman’s Bureau purchases first 3 acres of campus (147 acres added)
May 2nd, 1867
School chartered (first four students were white female); the school quickly evolved from exclusively a theology school to a teaching school and finally a full-fledged 7-department University; FIRST & ONLY SCHOOL OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES FOR ALL STUDENTS REGARDLESS OF RACE OR GENDER
The name of the university is derived from the third president of the school, a white man named Howard- believed blacks should be educated. The school was twice investigated by the US Federal Government to check how the The Freedman’s Bureau’s funds were being spent- there was suspicion as several Howard faculty were former generals of the Civil War…both inspections were passed. Howard University’s first vice president was John Mursa Langston- the Dean of Law School.
First black School of Law in the United States founded at Howard University (founded in part to meet the legal needs of newly freed slaves)
“without the Freedman’s Bureau, Howard University wouldn’t be here today”
The Freedman’s Bureau withdraws funding Howard University; $500,000/yr
period of struggle; University relied entirely on private donations + revenue from sale of adjacent property---present day reservoir
Frederick Douglass passes (member of Howard University’s Board of Trustees)
Subsidy granted by US Congress (annual fight for funds…constant fighting)
Howard University’s first Black History course taught
Howard University’s last white president (to date), President Durkee, is pressured to resign after it was discovered that he was simultaneously, presiding over a racially segregated college elsewhere. The first black elected president of Howard University, Bishop John, declined the promotion.
First Black President of Howard University sworn in, Dr. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson; served, to date, longest tenure as University’s President 1926-1960 referred to as Howard University’s “Golden Age”; during Dr. Johnson’s tenure, Howard University went from 8 schools- none accredited to 10 schools-all accredited; the “Golden Age” was defined by the successful tenure of Dr. Johnson (including dropping all pre-collegiate courses) and a virtual monopoly of black intellectual America (whereas today talented black minds can do scholarly work at any higher education institutions without prejudice/discrimination)
1928- ?
Appropriation from US Congress to Howard University “for Construction, Development, Improvement, and Enrichment” (made annual $ allotment to Howard law); Louis Cramton (which the auditorium is named after) instrumental in this effort to secure federal funding; At present, funds from US Congress constitute one third of campus budget …”with the economy how it is, things can always change…the goal is to be self-reliant [stable] regardless of government funds.”
Segregation & Discrimination
- Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896) landmark United States Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation even in public accommodations, under the doctrine of "separate but equal"
- WWI (1914-1918)
Blacks are allowed to enlist as officers for the first time in US history; 1200 black men serve-200 from Howard University; Howard University’s ROTC program founded in 1919 - Revolt of the Black Intellectuals
Howard’s faculty rejects philosophy of Booker T. Washington (founder of Tuskegee Institute- pioneering black vocational school) during his tenure at Howard; Classical Education vs. Industrial Education is the famous debate between him and W.E.B. Dubois - The New Negro (1925), Synonymous with, and a catalyst for, the Harlem Renaissance; 'The New Negro' essay was written by Howard University Professor of Philosophy Alain Locke- describes the psycho-social transformations in response to oppressive systems of power…not relying on older time-worn models but, rather, embracing a 'new psychology' and 'new sprit'. Central to Locke's prescription was the mandate that the 'New Negro' had to break all racial, social and psychological impediments that had long obstructed black achievement.
Thurgood Marshall is accepted to Howard University’s Law School (after being denied access to, and successfully suing, University of Maryland); later, Marshall along with Howard University’s Dean of Law, Charles Hamilton, would construct their case Murray v. Pearson, a crucial civil rights case that would lay the foundation for Brown vs. Board of Education, which brought an end to segregation in the United States; Thurgood Marshall would later become the first black US Supreme Court Justice in history.
Howard University’s first doctoral program is started
Howard University’s first PhD graduates
Howard University’s President Dr. Nabert’s tenure
Howard University’s President Dr. Chaeek’s tenure
April 12th, 1975
Howard University Hospital opens on Georgia Ave; seven stories, 515 beds; former site of the Washington Sentinels baseball stadium
Howard University’s President Dr. Jenifer’s tenure
Howard University’s President Dr. Swygeat’s tenure
2008- ?
Howard University’s President Dr. Sidney Ribeau’s tenure (nice man, he attends Chapel routinely with all the students and is very accessable and knowledgeable, which I respect)
200 areas of study
25 PhD programs
22 institutes/research centers
95 buildings
515 bed hospital
10,000+ undergraduate/graduate students
4,565 faculty/employees